Entity List Builder

Build a customized list of businesses registered in the State of Hawaii.

You can refine your list by entity type More information , zip code, date More information, and status More information. Lists include all addresses, officers, trade names, trademarks, and service marks associated with the businesses found in your search.

See the following costs table and read more about the List Builder service.

One-time search $0.05 per records found
All records (weekly) More information $1,000 flat rate per month

This service is provided by Tyler Technologies, manager of Hawaii's official Internet portal, portal.ehawaii.gov, and not the State of Hawaii.

Additional Services

You can authenticate a certified document or Certificate of Good Standing.
Authenticate a Certificate

Create a list of Hawaii businesses that are represented by a given registered agent or set of agents.
Agent Search [More info]

Build a customized list of businesses registered in the State of Hawaii.
Entity List Builder